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Amsterdam City Swim 2023

ALS Community Event

In 2020, D&B Eventmarketing took over the organization of the Amsterdam City Swim. The event, aimed at raising as much money as possible for the fight against the deadly disease ALS, was losing its luster, and the number of participants and fundraising was declining. In recent years, we have transformed the ACS: from a sporty fundraising event to a powerful ALS Community Event. Our approach? Participants swam not just for the thrill but for real people, real stories. Patient stories were in the spotlight. The result? An unprecedented increase in engagement and donations. Against all expectations: 75% more sponsorship money raised than in 2019!

We are, of course, extremely proud of this! We even received international recognition for it with a Silver World's Best Event Award from Bea World Experience!

3,000 participants 44 Wave Heroes and 70 attending patients 56,714 donations 1.755 million euros raised
ALS was given a face and a voice. To initiate the transformation, we critically examined the event concept and the event journey, making one significant change: reversing the swim route so that everyone converges at the event grounds. The brand also underwent a repositioning with a rebranding, attracting new sponsors such as Basic-Fit and VERSACE. For the campaign, ALS was given a face and a voice. The real heroes, the patients themselves, took center stage. By sharing their stories, they became the heart and soul of the event. The current patients cannot be saved, but through their stories, every swimmer, volunteer, and donor knows that we must fight to eradicate this disease. On September 3rd, 3,000 swimmers from the Netherlands and 22 other countries plunged into the Amsterdam canals. In 30 teams of 100 swimmers each, called 'Waves.' The patients became Wave Heroes, the sponsors Wave Sponsors, and the swimmers Wavemakers. They dived into the canals not just for the athletic achievement, thrill, or experience; they swam for people like Henk, Arnaud, and Ellen.
With 200 volunteers and 3,000 swimmers fighting together against ALS
Celebrating life On the day itself, the solidarity of the powerful community was palpable. Fighting together and celebrating life together. Along the route, there was massive encouragement, at the finish line the emotional weight of the event was clearly visible, and at the Marineterrein, life was celebrated with delightful music from OG3NE and De Dames Draaien Door. The chairpersons of Stichting ALS and the board of the Amsterdam City Swim thanked all those present. At the end of the successful day, Stichting ALS was presented with the check for the amount raised, over 1.7 million euros. This achievement was only possible through the dedication of this community. Through all the participants, the crew, celebrities, media partners, and other involved parties.
more than 1.7 million euros raised
A day with a golden edge What began in 2011 as an initiative by 14 friends has, in 10 years, grown into one of the most unique events in the Netherlands. The strength? It lies in the solidarity among all those involved. The participants, sponsors, suppliers, spectators, and ALS patients. Together, they form a powerful community dedicated to the ultimate goal: eradicating ALS. Although the Amsterdam City Swim is centered around the fight against a deadly disease, everyone manages to transform the helplessness that often accompanies it into something positive. With both laughter and tears, they enjoyed the athletic efforts and the time spent together. Creating and recalling memories together, while it is still possible. Do you also want to make an impact with your event? Where you can truly engage and strengthen your target audience as a community? Check out our Pink Paper Communities & Events or contact us directly at +31 35 303 2000
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