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DHL Express

Management meeting

Every company can deliver packages, so how do you ensure excellence in this area? DHL Express developed a future strategy that needed to be embraced by the management. To achieve this goal, D&B Eventmarketing organized an interactive management meeting. During the event, content and experience went hand in hand, ensuring that the message resonated deeply and practically with the managers, preparing them truly for the future.

50 managers 1 interactive DHL game 12 workshops Networking in the hotel bar
Experiencing is believing For optimal customer satisfaction, courage, ownership, and trust are needed. All these elements were incorporated into an interactive game where the managers were asked to critically evaluate their working methods and the delivery process. Even in the preliminary stages, engagement was increased, and a connection was made with the values of customer satisfaction. Each manager received a mysterious DHL package at home with the instruction not to open it until the day of the meeting.
Engagement well before the event
Feeling the core values With the packages under their arms, the managers gathered together. They then split into teams to work as couriers, complete with DHL jackets and the recognizable lunchbox. On the way to the delivery locations, the teams performed various mental and physical tasks, bringing the strategy to life. They faced dilemmas at the peak of the delivery process: would they choose service or stick to a tight schedule? Did they have the courage to overcome an obstacle to deliver a package?
13 teams right on schedule 50 acts of courage past 1 aggressive dog
Moving forward together The game concluded with a competition to create the fastest DHL vehicle to deliver the final package. In the evening, future developments were highlighted in the DHL Game Show. The night continued with high energy in the hotel bar. The next day featured a substantive program with brief presentations on DHL's Innovation Power, given by internal experts. Content, interaction, and energy. All these ingredients were optimally woven into this concept. By allowing Senior Management to experience the key pillars firsthand, the motivation necessary for further program rollout within the organization was created. +31 35 303 2000
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