AAG: Time for Future
Relationship marketing
With the annual relationship event ‘Tijd Voor Toekomst’ (Time for the Future), AAG creates an inspiring platform for healthcare managers to get away from the daily hustle and bustle and focus on the future of healthcare. The event has become a successful formula, with each edition growing in participants and impact.
The customer's question
AAG, expert in software and HR support for healthcare, wanted to reach not only managers, but also healthcare executives. The challenge? Developing an event that appeals to executives, inspires them and positions AAG as a progressive and committed partner. In a busy sector, there is little room for reflection, and AAG wanted to use this event to facilitate just that.
Our proposal
We developed the concept ‘Time for the Future’, an annual event in which healthcare managers are given the opportunity to reflect on future challenges and trends. With inspiring speakers, interactive workshops and a unique setting, the event offers participants concrete tools and innovative insights that fit in with their busy schedules. This format offers the opportunity for a new theme each year, so that the event remains current and relevant.
The event
During the event, directors are invited to participate in interactive sessions, such as beanbag discussions with projections on the ceiling and Lego Serious Play. AAG’s own experts provide inspiring break-out sessions on themes such as ‘The employees of tomorrow,’ ‘Refreshing change,’ and ‘In your own hands.’ By working with creative working methods, AAG ensures that directors not only listen, but also actively work on future-oriented themes themselves.
The results
Since its launch, the event has become a fixture, with increasing attendance figures and strong participant response. The first edition saw 75 guests, with attendance now at 150, and the success has inspired AAG to expand the format to managers. The impact of the event has led to several new partnerships with healthcare organisations, further strengthening AAG’s position as a leading partner in the sector.